How long does it take for the DNS to update?

It takes about 12-24 hours of time from the moment you change the DNS of your domain name to point to our nameservers. This change needs to be propagated and activated across the Internet. At this point your website may go down for a while. Your site will return as soon as this change is completely propagated via the Internet.

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By registering a domain with us, the domain owner will get full ownership and control of the...

How long does it take for a domain name to become active?

After registering or transferring a domain name, it usually takes 12 to 24 hours of time to...

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Yes, it is possible to transfer your domain registration to Realwebcare. To do this you need to...

Any downtime in transferring domain name registration to Realwebcare?

There is no downtime associated with transferring your domain name registration to Realwebcare....

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Yes, you can have extra domain names pointing to your current account. All our hosting plans have...